Daily Archives: March 11, 2013

Not so Simple

Today, as I was drinking coffee in my kitchen, talking to my mom and our friend Yolanda, she said something that really made me think. She said that even if all you are eating is a piece of bread and a coffee, it can be the most delicious thing in the world if you are with the right company.

After thinking about it, I find that I have to agree with her. Food just tastes better when you are with other people who are enjoying it with you. I love to bake and cook, but I often don’t feel like my job is done until I have shared my cooking accomplishment with another person. It’s almost like it didn’t happen if no one else was around to eat it. I get a small thrill when I see a friend bite into a cookie that I spent my time on. I am excited when I see a slow smile spread across their face or hear a delighted, “This is so good.”

Food has a way of connecting people that is like no other. Growing up, the kitchen was the place that we would all gather, each of us doing our part to make a great meal. In a world where work and projects are never ending, a good meal is something you can start and finish all in one day, and receive immediate benefits.

Food should never be used as something to simply fill an empty belly, it should be an experience. Each meal should be enjoyed and talked about. Now I know that we don’t always have time to make an elaborate meal, but even simple foods can complex. Like Yolanda said, even a simple piece of bread has the potential to be the best thing you have ever tasted.